In order to build your balance sheet, you need to save money. This can be from income or from a lump sum, like a bonus or inheritance.
Your balance sheet has demands placed on it during your working life, such as providing a sound education for children. This can be expensive for the internationally mobile expat. And plans can change too, so any school fees scheme should be flexible enough to adapt to different currencies and timelines. Making sure that plans remain intact through family upheavals like divorce and illness are paramount, while managing investment risk is vital.
A lump sum invested at birth is an ideal way to start, but not all children have rich grandparents, so spreading the cost over a period of time is a commonly used strategy. Strategies range from investing surplus income when children are young and costs are lower, to using equity in property to fund immediate costs and spread repayment over a longer period of time.
BMP Wealth managers can ensure that your school fees planning is integrated into your balance sheet and is flexible enough to change without incurring crippling charges.