US expat in Asia
I didn’t initially go looking for financial advice. I had an investment adviser in Singapore, and I wasn’t looking to change – until I met my BMP Wealth manager in Hong Kong.
I really appreciated his approach: ‘let’s just have a conversation, no strings attached’. He explained BMP’s holistic approach to wealth management, and looked at my financial wellbeing in the same way I did. It was a truly refreshing angle.
The BMP process was super well laid out – a clear step-by-step approach which was organised, with the right amount of momentum in order to deliver. My adviser was sincere from the start, helping me work through everything I needed to and laying out the incremental steps to get me to where I needed to be.
It’s hard to separate the firm from the adviser. Both demonstrate high integrity and are very transparent, both in terms of fees and how they will benefit. It’s definitely a long-term relationship, rather than a transactional one, and I wouldn’t take a call from any other adviser.
It’s great to have someone trusted at your side, and I now consider my adviser to be a friend. I’d be happy to refer him to my friends and family – in fact, I already have.