Georgina & David
My name is Georgina, and this is my husband, David.
Our financial planner is James Ramsey. We’ve worked with James for about seven years now.
James has helped us with basically everything to do with our money. At the start, we came to James because we were a bit flummoxed with our former financial adviser. We didn’t really know what was happening to our money. So, the first thing James did was to help simplify things for us and to consolidate everything.
Most recently, James has helped us with making sure our assets have been deployed in the most tax-efficient manner. That transfer was something that he came up with, but it’s been really beneficial for us.
I’ve got to say, working with James, I just feel that my money is safe. If something were to go wrong, I would know who to contact and exactly what’s going on with my money. James has seen us through from before we got married, to getting married, to having children, to now being three kids in. And at every stage, he has thought about what was best for us at that particular time. We’ve just relinquished all decision-making to James, because we trust that he knows what he’s doing.
I don’t think I would feel so confident in my financial future if I wasn’t working with James. He’s been such a help for us in so many different areas. To be honest, I neglected financial management before James. He’s gotten us to take control of our affairs in a way that we really hadn’t done before. For example, I’m a lawyer, so I should know this, but we didn’t have a will in place before we started dealing with James, but now he’s helped us get that set up. We’ve got much better insurance in place since we’ve been working with him. Outside of the pure investment side of things, there have been some huge benefits from working with James, such as getting us organised.
I would describe James as very competent and thoughtful. We will have a meeting and if something else comes to mind as to how to lower our costs or be more efficient with our money, he will get back to us with a clear action plan that makes perfect sense. I would describe him as very patient. Me and David both seem to forget, in the months between our meetings with James, the level of detail of what’s going on, but James explains it to us clearly and succinctly. I would really describe James as someone who I trust with my money.
The best thing about working with James is knowing that we’ve got someone on our side, thinking about the things that we wouldn’t otherwise be really thinking about carefully, looking out for the best deals for us, and making sure that we are managing our money effectively.
I would recommend James and BMP Wealth and, in fact, I do. When I consider the position we were in before we met James, he’s just made us feel so much better about what we’re doing with our money. If there’s anyone else feeling confused about their finances, I know that James and BMP Wealth would be a great help.
If I was talking to another expat about working with a financial planner, I think they come in different shades, financial planners. Certainly, in my early days in Hong Kong, I used to get a lot of cold-calls from people who I wasn’t particularly sure were very trustworthy. But if you can find the right person, I think it makes a huge difference to how you feel about the financial side of your life, which is something that a lot of us ignore. Once you take control of it, which James has helped us to do, then you can find things are managed a lot better.