7 steps you can take if you don’t have enough money to retire

If you’re worried you won’t have saved enough for your retirement, you’re not alone. According to Schroders Global Investor Study (GIS) 2020, 41% of investors around the globe fear they won’t have sufficient savings to fund their...

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5 practical ways you can ensure you don’t die with too much money

One important part of our role that often surprises clients is when we encourage them to spend money. It may sound like a contradiction but spending money can be as critical to the success of a financial strategy as saving and investing. Let’s be...

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How you will know when you have “enough” money

One of the most common questions that clients ask us here at BMP Wealth is “how will I know when I have enough money?” This can be a tricky question to answer, and it often requires as much input from the client as from us. Read on to find out...

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4 reasons BN(O)s should use a British financial adviser when moving to the UK

For any British National (Overseas) citizen moving from Hong Kong to the UK, getting your financial affairs in order is of the utmost importance. You might not realise it, but the UK’s tax system is considerably more complex than Hong Kong’s....

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How to invest as an ‘accidental American’

If you’re classed as a US person, investing is far more complex than it is for other expats. For US citizens and so-called ‘accidental Americans’, choosing the right investment can make a substantial difference to your tax bill. Unfortunately,...

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Why financial planning is a priority for BN(O)s and those moving to the UK

If you’re one of the many British National (Overseas) citizens considering moving from Hong Kong to the UK, organising your financial affairs should be at the top of your to-do list. According to a report by The Daily Telegraph, the UK Home Office...

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